"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the
best of all." Jacqueline Kennedy

We are THRILLED to be part of the Indiana Digital Download Consortium and offer YOU access to Overdrive/Libby! This service gives you access to a TON of audiobooks, eBooks, and magazines! Just download the Libby app to your smartphone or tablet, search for this library, then sign in with the log-in data you use to access our catalog. Call or email the library to get set up!
We are so excited to begin offering hoopla for your download needs! Audiobooks, comic books, television shows, movies, CD downloads, and eBooks!
Junior Library Guild is our supplier of elementary, junior, and teen reads. At this time, they are allowing readers of all ages to access their digital library. Enjoy!! No log-in required!

Fridays 10 am - 2 pm:
Pop-In Storytime for Tots
Stop in anytime. We have
books, puppets, stuffed animals, and
light refreshments. Everthing to
make your little one LOVE coming to the library!
Pop-In Storytime for Tots
Stop in anytime. We have
books, puppets, stuffed animals, and
light refreshments. Everthing to
make your little one LOVE coming to the library!
Homework Help
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology offers FREE math & science homework help for students in grades 6-12 from 7 pm - 10 pm Sunday through Thursday. Take advantage of this free service! 1-877-ASK-ROSE or www.AskRose.org